A devil in disguise

"Feed anyone who comes in here. Whether they have money or don't, be it, vampires or humans, treat them all fairly. This establishment's purpose is not to make a profit, but to serve its people."


The loud sound of the entrance being burst open startled me out of my wits. Slowly, I moved my gaze to the entrance.

The door flew in a certain direction while the other barely hanged still. There was a group of five people standing by the door.

One of them was Noah Remington. But he stood behind. My eyes shifted to the other red-haired man standing at the front.

Unlike Noah, the other red-haired man emanated power from his well-built physique. He looked more mature, keeping his chin up while his eyes scanned the establishment.

"Sam…" I whispered and turned in his direction. However, Sam remained nonchalant as he stared at Teddy.

"If you agree with my condition, the restaurant is yours," Sam uttered in a flat tone.