The actual face behind the mask II

"The Bloodfang asked me to."

Momentarily, my brain stopped functioning. What did he say again?

"The Bloodfang asked you to fight them?" I asked clearly so I wouldn't misunderstand this piece of information.

"Mhmm." Sam hummed a tune as he nodded. It rendered me speechless. "Personally, they're more suited to become rulers if you ask me. But, since I don't have interest in the throne, they asked me to keep an eye on my brother."

"The Bloodfangs are aware the king wanted them dead. And they're also aware they wouldn't stand a chance, even with some noble vampires supporting them. Even without me, the result would be the same. They're pure-blooded vampires but their blood is far inferior to ours." 

Sam pinched both my cheeks and then wiggled it a little.

"But with pride and honor on the line, they had to do what they had to do. The clan leader secretly visited me and told me about their plan."