Leaving Whistlebird II

When I followed Fabian, Sam remained with the Remington. I kept tilting my head from side to side, glancing at Fabian's back constantly.

My lips parted, but no words came out. I'd ask Sam instead.

Soon, we reached outside the mansion. Wow… the Remington's mansion was twice as huge as Sam's. 

The knights were already outside, and so was our carriage. As we approached them, I thought about something.

"Mister Fabian?" I called out, furrowing my brows.

Fabian looked back at me. "Yes, my lady?"

"Now that I think about it, why did Sir Rufus left behind in Grimsbanne? Shouldn't he supposed to escort his grace?" I asked.

We stopped in front of the carriage's door. Slowly, Fabian faced me with his usual smile.

That's right. I forgot to ask this question yesterday. But now that I saw the knights waiting for us outside the mansion, I remembered this question.

"Because he needed to watch over Grimsbanne while the Duke is not around."