Lara Ashen Grim Crawford II

"What do you think about vampires and the royal family?"


I remained silent for a long time. 

Now that she asked such a question before I could raise questions, my focus drifted to that. 

"I thought vampires are just blood-thirty monsters who see us, humans, as their livestock. But after meeting Sam and spent some time with the people working in the Duke of Grimsbanne's mansion, my perception changed." 

My eyes softened as my heart warmed up at the thought of Sam and everyone. From Fabian to all the servants in the duke's mansion. Everyone had been kind to me.

Although they relayed their disagreement about our engagement at first, I couldn't really blame them. Sam was a pure-blooded vampire.

A marriage with a mortal — a peasant, to make it worse — was just… ridiculous. Even I had questioned it in the past.

Regardless, they had treated me fairly. And now, I didn't feel any hostility from them anymore.