Deja vu

As I went closer to the east wing, the halls had become bleak. The further I went, the lesser the sconce that usually gave the hallway's light. Hence, the pathways grew darker as I moved forward.

But that didn't stop me from running. Even when my hurried footsteps echoed in my ear, I didn't stop.

The image of Rufus as he hurriedly walked away told me something was very wrong. What could have happened to Sam? Did he have a confrontation with the fifth prince?

Cold sweats broke out from my back as my lungs constricted. I'd been running laps, but with this worry in my heart, I felt restive. My breathing ragged as my throat felt parched.

Why was this castle so uselessly huge? I gritted my teeth, annoyed that even with my speed, it took me awhile. 

As I turned into a corridor, I gradually halted. There's only a single candelabra that was lightened up. If not for the moon radiating through the large windows, I wouldn't be able to see.