The aggressiveness of the angel**


Once our lips touched once again, everything didn't matter. His lips told me he wanted me; not just my body, but my heart and my soul. 

I wanted the same. To love and be loved by him. Nothing else.

Sam carefully traced my waist down to my hip, squeezing my thigh once it reached the ends of my nightdress. I gasped at his faint grip, breaking away from his lips.

He didn't stop, leaving a trail of kisses on my jaw, down to the side of my neck. He savored every bit of me, drowning me with affection.

I didn't retort, offering myself willingly. Devoting my heart and soul solely to him.

I felt his hand slip under my dress, making me arch my back. He took my reaction in his advantage as he encircled his other arm around my slender waist.

My eyes rolled back as he nibbled on my upper chest. Unconsciously, I ran my fingers through his tousled, soft argent hair.