
Thick, suffocating air dawned upon our table. Sam and the little boy barely blinked.

I wanted to speak and break this suffocating air around us. However, I couldn't bring myself to do so. Words were stuck in my throat. All I could do was dart my eyes from Sam to the boy.

Sam narrowed his eyes, studying the boy. Although the latter remained adorable, he didn't flinch under such intimidating gaze.

'How could he…' I shrugged my thoughts away. 

I didn't want to doubt this boy right now. After all, since he was young, his fear could easily turn into trust. He might not know how dangerous Sam could be.

Although I believed Sam wouldn't hurt a child, I didn't want them to dislike each other. Something within me wanted them to get closer.

"How about dessert?" I gathered a lifetime of courage to force these words out of my mouth.

"Dessert?" The boy snapped as he turned to me, tilting his head a little.