You can't marry her!

"So, you will make memories with the Devil, Lilou?" His tone was deep and menacing, making me think the devil itself was luring me with a deadly contract. 

My head answered with a courageous, 'of course, I will!' but what came out was a meek and stammering, "Ye- yes, sire."

He grinned and chuckled, pleased while nodding. Did he only expect hatred from me? Because Sam hated this side of him?

"Then, how about we start by getting to know each other with our lips?" He bent down but stopped as he moved his eyes towards the door. "What is it, Mildred?"

I moved my eyes towards the door where Mildred stood, seeing her bow politely. "Her royal highness request audience with His Highness' the third prince."

"Sivi is here?" My voice raised in excitement but backed up when met with Sam's pair of sharp eyes.