We're getting married

I didn't know a simple kiss on the cheek would shock him into silence, but that was better as we smoothly approached the dining hall without a problem. Unlike usual, almost all the seats were all occupied, as the lively chattering resonated across the dining hall.

When we came in, the liveliness suddenly died down as all eyes were on both of us. Sam strutted in with an air of confidence. While I kept my manners whilst ignoring the awkwardness from their odd gazes.

"Gree—" I was stopped in performing a curtsy as Sam tugged my arm and whispered to my ear, "No need." 

A frown resurfaced on my lips as I gazed at him suspiciously. He could be the rudest individual in here, but I can't. I couldn't afford to offend more royalty. I have a neck to save!

"You're terribly late, Hell!" Dominique clapped as he broke the silence. "Why don't you two sit down? It's been a while since His Majesty had seen all his brothers and sisters during dinner!"