Where should I start? **


How could I resist? How could I not miss him? And how could I not yearn for him? My heart pounded, although not fast, I could hear it thumping in my ears. His faint warmth set my body ablaze, igniting my heart with a burning desire and highlighting my needs.

I wanted to feel his weight over me, with sweat dripping onto me, as he stared at me just as intense as how he goes further in me. I'm thinking too far ahead of me while our tongue and lips danced in the same rhythm. How silly.

Sam hissed as he reluctantly drew away. "This won't do." He clicked his tongue, annoyed as he held my shoulders. Sam slowly pushed me back until I sat upright, rendering me confused.

This won't do, what? That was what I'd like to ask him, but I could only stare at him in confusion. Sam ran his fingers through his hair as his eyes fell on me, glinting.