
"I just had to close this tiny gap, sweetheart, and everything is over."

I held my breath as I watched him inch closer. My heart was thumping so loud it was painful. Why, Stefan? Why would you look at me with such desperation in your eyes? When I got a whiff of his breath, I snapped back to my senses and turned my head to the side.

What the hell was I thinking at that moment? He was too close and we could have… I panted for air in disbelief at myself. 

He drew away. "Let's chat again some other time. Thank you for sharing your time with me." I jumped when he suddenly placed his hands on my shoulder, making me faced him.

"I apologize for startling you," He said, smiling weakly. "I had lost my senses in a brief second of fallacy. It won't happen again, I promise." His eyes locked with mine, closed-lipped.