Stuck in a loop

I chuckled, remembering how they looked so aghast and how I came to know the story of a very, very dangerous mad beast centuries ago. 

Apparently, centuries ago, aside from vampires, there was a notorious man who brought nothing but fear for both races. They said he targeted not just vampires, but also humans, experiment on them, and scatter their remains across the kingdom. 

It came to the point even vampires had to glance over their shoulders for fear they had caught the man's interest. How he picked his target remained unknown, but no one had caught him despite the bounty on his head. His series of murders continued on for years until a new king ascended the throne. Many believed that person died, or he became a follower of the new king. 

Only those noble families who had close ties with the royal family knew the real reason. That mad man, Fabian, swore his loyalty to the third prince and became a butler in his manor.