Labyrinth II

Ramin ground his teeth, offended. "How dare you question my Labyrinth?!" he growled, kicking Sam, which the latter dodged as he sprung back like a grasshopper.

"This is not Labyrinth?!" Ramin roared as he slowly stood on his feet. "Who the hell are you to doubt my Labyrinth's legitimacy?" 

I could feel the air around him thicken, making me unconsciously step back. I understood Ramin's anger as he was a proud Bearer of the Divine Order, and Sam's words were just a direct blow to that pride and ego.

"Have a taste of the Labyrinth you are mocking!" As Ramin's voice thundered, he bolted towards Sam with his fist aimed directly at Sam's face.

I held my breath as Ramin was too fast; I never saw him this agile. Sam didn't dodge this time. Instead, he caught Ramin's fist with his bare hand, clenching it tightly until the latter's fist trembled under his grip.