Downright satanic

At the same time...

"Garden in the west wing," Kristina whispered, walking through the quiet hallway leading to the garden in the west wing of the palace. 

For the past three days, Rufus ordered her to survey the town of Libira, an outskirt in the capital, and she only had returned now. Rufus' words had intrigued Kristina, so she headed in the west wing as soon as she was done reporting.

"The west palace is more deserted than I thought." She looked around without pausing in her steps, eyebrow raised. "I haven't bumped into anyone since I came in here."

Not that it was strange, as this was the area of the cold palace.

"Nevermind." She shook her head, heightening her senses instead, just in case of possible danger. Her steps slowed down when approaching the garden as the air from it was thick… too thick that she instinctively held on her trinket, Mace.