Retrieving the final piece

"You're right. Anything can happen in this palace... for example, someone finding your body with your head missing."

My brow raised as I sensed another presence from a distance. Cassara was lucky, I thought. 

I leaned over to her side and whispered in her ear. "I always wonder why you're always missing in every important gathering. It turns out you're hilariously weak."

Cassara shook under my grip and couldn't move from the shock. Did she think my memories with Stefan were all butterflies and rainbows?

"Your royal highness, can we keep this a secret between us?" I tilted my head back a little, giving her a side-eye while she shifted her shaking eyes to me. 

"How dare you? Do you think I will listen to a mere human like you?" Her voice faltered, but still put up a brave front. 

A sigh slipped past my lips as Cassara was indeed a character. Not only she was useless, but her pride also doesn't match her disposition.