A muffled cry for help

"I would like to meet those people who had been supporting our clan." 

"Yes. I will arrange a meeting for that." Yul replied as we walked through the third prince's quarters. He stayed a few steps away from me while I kept my eyes ahead.

"Be careful around my personal maid," I warned, remembering the real identity of Lena. 

"You mean that little girl?" His voice was filled with bafflement, but it wasn't surprising, as Lena's disguise was flawless. "I forgot her name."

"Lena," I informed him, glancing over my shoulder. "She's one of Lexx's shadow guards. Be careful around her."

I couldn't blame Yul for being surprised. This palace was filled with secrets, and that had always been the game we've been playing. Just like Yul's identity, the identity of the king's shadow guards wasn't known to others aside from Stefan. It was just a matter of which secret was more surprising.

"How did you know that?" he asked, out of plain curiosity.