Collecting the pieces

The host for tonight's seance was the cheerful platinum-haired guy. Every one of us took a seat, with me sitting closest to the host and Yul on my right.

"Before we begin, why don't we start with a brief introduction?" The host suggested with his graceful hand gestures. "My name is Quentin Zero Moriarty."

My brows knitted upon hearing his family name. Moriarty… wasn't that one of the founding clans of the Heart's Kingdom? I gazed at him and he offered a polite smile as if he had read my mind.

"Yes, I am a Moriarty… the last Moriarty alive." Zero's smile remained, but the aura he exuded was so strong one could feel that his strong hatred was his driving force.

"I had introduced myself, but I will still do so. I'm Baron Mortas Martin. I was one of the supporters of the Bloodfang clans in the aristocratic fraction." Mortas introduced, leaving bits and pieces of his connections with our clan and outside this meeting room.