A stroll in the Capital II

"No, hey, don't! Look!" 

I hollered, and at the same time, the child froze in the middle of the street while the galloping horse came close. Before I could think, I dashed towards the child as fast as I could and cradled her in my embrace while we rolled to the side. 

My heart was pounding so fast and hard I didn't mind the bruises and minor grazes I inflicted. The child trembled under my grip before I let her go and held her small shoulders.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked in worry. A deep sigh slipped past my lips upon seeing her pale complexion. "It's alright now. You're safe, hmm?"

The little girl didn't answer me and just stared at me while she unconsciously clutched my sleeve. Really… be it in Grimsbanne or in the Capital, some people just don't know the proper decorum.