a stroll in the Capital IV

We followed Kristina at full discretion. Both Ramin and I kept glancing at each other, understanding that we were sticking our nose to where it shouldn't belong. However, Charlotte was so into it. 

'I didn't want to know what Kristina was up to lately,' I thought as a sigh slipped past my lips. 'And I don't want to know. I'm unsure if she knew something in Sam's plan as she had grown close to Rufus, or she was merely acting because she's a bearer and it was a real mission. Either way, I should distract Charlotte.' 

"Charlie," I whispered and tugged her sleeve, but Charlotte only raised her hand without looking back. 

"Come on." Her voice was muffled as her steps grew lighter.

Another exhale escaped from my mouth as I gazed at Ramin, who did the same. We couldn't do anything but follow her, waiting for our chance to distract this Charlotte.