Let's run away

While I waited for Sam, I decided to take a stroll in the third princes' garden. My eyes scanned the not-maintained garden. It was very unlike the Avolire Garden or the other gardens in the palace. This place looked more like a cemetery. We just needed more corpses to bury… wait. 

Now that I thought about it, Fabian liked gardens, and every garden he had worked on was beautiful there was no doubt about it. But why hadn't he focused on this garden? I brood over it while rubbing my chin until an idea popped up in my head.

"Don't tell me… he didn't touch this garden to keep it pure?" By pure, what I meant was, Fabian had this habit of burying people alive. I cringed at the dark conclusion I came up in my head. 

"I shouldn't concern myself with it that much." I shook my head to shrug off all the other thoughts crowding my head. There were too many important things to think about instead of these gardens.