
I weakly opened my eyes, furrowing my brows as I realized Sam was kissing me and I was back on the bed. Just then, something small slipped inside my mouth and I instinctively chewed it.

"Hmm?" I watched him draw his head back while this sweet and sour taste of grape filled my mouth. "What is this?"

"Grapes," Sam replied while chewing the other half of it. "If you're wondering what I was doing, I'm multitasking."

His words just confused me even more. I stared at him in silence as he propped his jaw against his knuckles.

"By multitasking, I mean, I'm eating while kissing and waking you up. I was so busy, and I had to use every second." He raised another grape and carefully placed it between my lips.

Sam didn't even waste as a second and leaned in, biting the grape before pushing the other half inside my mouth with his tongue. My eyes dilated as I just instinctively opened my mouth for him and ate it.