A heart to heart talk between brothers

Meanwhile, in the king's office, the guarding knights outside the office blocked the door with their spear, making a cross sign. Samael cocked his head to one and then to the other, smiling brightly until his eyes squinted into mere slits.

"If I were you, don't do that." Samael shook his head, closed-lipped. "You know I will enter even if there's ten of you here."

The guarding knights quivered under their armor but still didn't budge. Stefan had ordered not to let anyone in, so they were merely following the orders. Now, they just had to hope the defiant third prince, who was daring enough to walk around without a shirt on, wouldn't snap their necks.

"Hmmm…" Samael rubbed his chin as he glanced up the door, having an idea in mind. He placed his hand on the side of his lips and took a deep breath.