Kristina's heart

"Isn't there another way, Captain?"

Rufus stared at her in silence. Of course, he knew what she was talking about. He had already guessed this was one of the many other reasons.

"Miss Monroe," he called in a low tone, pushing his chair back with his feet before standing up on his feet. Rufus walked around the chair, trudging towards the window, and stood in front of it.

"Do you know what the Duchess told the Duke after their marriage?" asked Rufus, his eyes softening while staring outside where he could see the training ground where Charlotte and Ramin were sparring.

"The Duchess asked His Grace for a painless death," Rufus remarked while Kristina pressed her lips with her eyes on him. "She had accepted him despite knowing that His Grace married her only for formality. I had told her before that this place will take away her smile… but she didn't listen."