[Bonus chapter]The journey back to Grimsbanne II

Since the restaurant was packed. I assumed there wouldn't be enough space for us, and I was correct. Surprising, the people inside were kind enough to spare us some tables and space. I told them we could eat outside just like the rest, but the townsfolk insisted for us to stay inside where it was warm.

Why, you ask? Why was this kindness suddenly?

I smiled and gazed down, staring at my hand on the table. The reason was simple; everyone in here saw my husband as their hero. If not for him, the Brown's, the Remington's, or rather, this Whistlebird wouldn't change. Sam changed one person's perspective, and it spread across the entire city. 

Not that Whistlebird had a total reform, but they were… making progress. It made me a little proud.

"Your Grace, I hope the soup will be to your liking." I snapped out of my thoughts when Teddy served a bowl of soup on the table, making me gaze up at him and smile. 

"Thank you."