hidden shadows that only she knew about

As ordered, Yul prepared my steed for me while I changed into a more comfortable outfit. I would leave Zero behind, but that didn't worry me in the slightest. He wouldn't recklessly touch my people while I was away.

"Stay safe, Your Grace." Yul bowed, his palm across his chest as I mounted Bella,

I smiled at him, holding the reins. "Don't stay up late, Yul."

"You're telling a vampire that?"

"Oh, please, when do you resign to bed?" I humored as Yul seemed he doesn't sleep at all. He was up in the morning, and even late at night.

"I should be the one asking you that, sis." Yul clicked his tongue, making me realize I had the same hectic schedule. "Anyway, even though Grimsbanne is your territory, it won't bring you harm if you act more cautious."

"Yes." I maneuvered my steed as it gaited toward the gates. "I am always cautious, Yul."