A punishment that is honestly devastating

"Everything." He answered, eyes on me. "I think you're not dumb enough to think you can beat me if we butted heads right now."

"Take that face off and see what I will do." I leaned forward, taunting him. 

"Unfortunately, I can't. Why don't you just accept that this face is my face?"

"Hah... bold." I chuckled, rocking my head as my eyes fell on my unbound feet. "I like your attitude, can't expect anything less from someone who disrupts the peace of my land and abducted me here."

I bent my knees closer to me, stretching my ankle in a circular motion. There was this part of me that wanted to reconsider his offer. However, with someone who used my husband and his trusted men's faces, how the hell did he think I would forgive them?