
[Minute before Heliot arrived in the old mansion]

  "My death is all part of the plan. Didn't I tell you? Keep your eyes closed and mind open and don't trust me so blindly. I know you will get hurt once you figure out the entire plan Fabian and I cooked up behind everyone's back."

There was a long moment of silence between us. All I could do was stare at him, barely blinking as he planted his palm on the mattress, sitting up lazily.

"I had set up the stage for a beautiful theater act; poured out my artistic passion into the script and its noble ending. The death of mine will end those monstrous Barrett Brother. My wife would have to see it and weep, unleashing some sort of power that will also kill her. A night of terror caused by Samael; his last fight for freedom... he would finally attain it. Death." My lower lips trembled as I listened to him, lungs contracting as my chest moved in and out heavily.