Please don't mind me and continue.

"No fucking way..." Klaus mumbled as they stood in front of Noah and Kristina. My eyes shifted to Silvia and Yul, who bore the same appalled expression.

"You two are here? In Grimsbanne? All along?" he queried in disbelief, setting his eyes back to me.

I raised my hands, raising my brows briefly. "I told you... to let you in a secret."

"Your Grace, why did you..." Noah's breath hitched, balling his hand into a fist. "This is dangerous."

"What do you mean, it's dangerous? It's already dangerous that you people are being sheltered in Grimsbanne. This place might be clean, but there are still rats that were walking down the street of Banse." Yul's eyes darkened, not pleased at meeting them. Well, he wasn't very fond of them, to begin with.