[Bonus chapter] Let's all work together

"You're real, right?"

My hand raised, pinching his lean cheek to make sure he was real. He felt real, but I was doubtful. So, I withdrew my hand from him to pinch myself.

"Oopsie." Sam suddenly grabbed my wrist and smiled. "You will not hurt yourself, but I am real. If you want me to prove that, then, by all means, touch me to your heart's content." 

I giggled as he bent over, planting kisses on my lips until it slowly deepened for longer kisses. He was real. This was my husband — not a hallucination, not a dream, not an illusion — there's no shadow of a doubt this was all happening. My heart vouch for it. 

"Ahem!" I snapped my eyes upon hearing Rufus clearing his throat to get our attention. 

Sam clicked his tongue as he reluctantly drew away. "Can't you read the mood? My wife and I are having a good time."