The tale of how the great me become a good boy


A day before my promised return to the Capital, we had almost completed our preparations. I opened my eyes for another busy day in Grimsbanne and my gaze instantly landed on Sam lying beside me. 

A subtle smile appeared on my lips, sprawling my hand to brush his hair lightly. Until now, I couldn't believe that my husband was alive. It still felt like a dream.

"Good morning," I greeted in a low tone as he slowly opened his eyes. "You came back?"

"Mhm. I missed you." His voice was rasped, moving closer as he pulled me into his warm embrace. Sam planted a soft peck on my head, stroking my back.

"Sleep more," he said. "You've been working hard. No one will condemn you if you get up a little late."

"Mildred will be here soon."

"I'll just kill her."


"Kidding." He let out a low chuckle. "She won't go in here. I told Yul to keep everyone away from your chambers."