Welcome back

"Please don't touch Yulis, Your Highness." I smiled as I put down my cutlery. "He is someone I will never share."

Beatrice smiled coyly as I felt the killing intent from Stefan's gaze. Forgive me, Yul. I would surely protect you in another way.

"Someone you will never share, huh?" Stefan muttered menacingly, chuckling.

I turned and faced Stefan squarely. "I will abide by any of Your Majesty's requests. However, if something happened to Yul, I will not simply sit still and mourn."

"You are threatening me because of him?" 

"It's not a threat, Your Majesty, it's my condition." I asserted with my eyes glinting. "Yulis is mine and I hate people touching what's mine."

"Are you his?" Stefan raised a brow as he leaned back with a wine in his hand.

"I'm... forever's Sam." I smiled, watching him nod. Alphonse snickered, enjoying this 'interesting' conversation between a married couple with their mistress, and his mistress protecting her lover.