
"We found Her Royal Highness dead in the gates of the palace."

The news came as a surprise and too suddenly. Cassara? Of all people? She was the first to die?

I only draped a shawl around my shoulders as we rushed to where Cassara remains lied. Stefan kept quiet the entire time, but I noticed that this news irked and surprised him as well.

'Who did it?' I wondered internally as my last memory of Cassara hovered over my head.

When we reached the gates of the palace, there were already a few familiar faces around. Beatrice, Yul, Silvia, Alistair, Dominique, Jayden, some important figures of the empire, and the knights.

I gazed up, setting my eyes on Cassara, who was hanging at the guard towers. She was hanging with a noose around her neck, but that wasn't the cause of her death.

That stake struck into her chest was what killed her.

"You are next." I read the bloody message written next to her as my eyes glinted.