One, two, three...

I whistled softly, standing on top of the third prince's tower. From my vantage point, I could see the Avolire Palace and the main palace.

"Your Grace!" Silvia's voice suddenly rang from the other end of the roof, appearing out of nowhere. "What is going on? Why did you...?"

She trailed off as she gazed up at the dark sky covering the entire imperial palace. Silvia was aware that my darkfield had its own downside, but it seemed Sam helped me. The darkfield looked more sturdy, like a cage, trapping everyone inside.

"Have you found Yul?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Klaus is still looking for him. But Lilou, I was just with him hours ago."

"And I was with him just right before I gave out the order." I averted my eyes away from her and set them on the main palace. "His ability is copying a person's appearance and scent. He knew a thing or two... I guess he had sunk his fangs into Yul's."
