Uncle, so cool!

Meanwhile, in the towers near the cold palace. Claude raised his head at the person who entered his room. He clutched his teddy bear closer to his side, flinging his legs forward and backward while sitting on the chair.

"What is it that you need, Uncle, the sixth prince?" Claude inquired in a tiny voice. "Does Father know you are here?"

"Why would he need to know?" Alistair inquired, leaning his side against the jamb of the door, arms crossed.

There was a moment of silence between them. Alistair cocked his head to the side while assessing his little nephew.

"Do you want to play with Uncle Ali, Claude?" 

Claude shook his head lightly. "No. Thank you. It's not fun to play with you."

"Oh? But you enjoy your time with Klaus?" Alistair chuckled in mockery. "I guess you only like spending time with fools."