[Bonus chapter]End it once and for all III


Alphonse grinned wickedly as he glanced at the dark shroud surrounding them. But this didn't stop him from attacking Samael as he extended his claws, aiming at his heart.

Before Alphonse could reach Samael, a hand grabbed his arm, which instantly crushed his bone. He could feel that his bone didn't just shatter from the area Samael held, but it continued up to his shoulder.

"Did you know how I defeat father?" Samael inquired, looking down at Alphonse with no emotions in his eyes. "I sold my soul to the devil, Alphonse."

His dark hair slowly changed its color to white, while his one sclera changed into black. Alphonse's eyes dilated at seeing this hideous appearance of his brother. 

"I abhor Father for he had been cruel to his children, but I respect his leadership." Samael tore Alphonse's limbs as if he was simply tearing a piece of paper. He tossed it to the side and, in a blink of an eye, grabbed Alphonse by the neck.