[Bonus chapter]Almost is never enough

Back in the throne hall, Samael took out Alphonse's heart just to make sure he was dead. God knows how this pained him that he had to do this just to make sure that his brother was dead.

After doing so, Samael turned his head in Lilou's direction. "Lilou."

He sprung to his feet, rushing to Lilou's side. His bloodstained hand stopped before touching her, gazing at Alphonse's blood on his hand. 

"Lilou," he whispered, gazing at her that made his eyes soften. "Whatever..."

Samael exhaled sharply and checked her neck to see if her vein was still pulsating. His brows furrowed as he had to press harder to feel her weak pulse. 

"No," he uttered under his breath, bending over and placing the side of his head on her chest. 

Her heart was still beating, albeit faint. Was she dying? Samael was not sure as her blood flow was in turmoil, a sign to him that wasn't the case.
