[Bonus chapter]Adventure with Mister Fabian~!

Once morning came, the state of the once glorious imperial palace was overwhelming. The cold palace in the west wing was nothing but rubbles. Some parts of it were still caught on fire, and piles of corpses scattered the silent hallways and outside. It appeared more like a result of a large-scale war.

The scent of blood loomed in the air that could reach even the border of the country. And yet, the casualties in the capital were surprisingly low.

Everyone in the capital walked outside their homes just to gaze upon the imperial palace. It had fallen overnight. Be it commoners or nobles, the fear of uncertainty crept into their hearts. Children who would innocently ask the adults what happened to the palace were silenced and dragged inside their homes. 

Some had packed their luggage to flee, while others prayed to whoever they worshiped. They might not know the details of the ruckus that kept them awake last night, but one thing was for sure;