[Bonus chapter]

The waiter served the food, filling our table with different sorts of dishes. My mouth watered just by looking at them, and my stomach grumbled when I got a whiff of its aroma. 

"Thank you," I expressed, and he smiled back politely.

'I'm famished.' I licked my lips, looking at the food while thinking about which one I wanted to eat first. I went for the lovely roasted chicken, moaning as my eyes rolled back while chewing it.

It was good. Bey didn't lie when she said the food in here was heavenly.

While I chew this tender chicken meat, I raised a brow while gazing at Bey. She wasn't eating but biting her lower lip with her body facing the right side.

Once the meat went down my throat, my lips parted. "Bey, how did you know the food here is great?"
