[Bonus chapter]Jaime Malum

"Hands off!" I flung my arms aggressively while the knights finally released me after dragging me to the Earl's audience room. I clicked my tongue at them as they stood on the side while I remained in the middle.

"You are the woman who hurt my son?" 

The voice that echoed across this small throne room of the Earl made me look ahead. I looked up and saw an old man sitting on the throne, resting his jaw against his knuckle while he looked down at me coldly. 

'Didn't they say the Earl is young? This man right here is already knocking on death's door!' I snapped my tongue secretly, finding my joke lame. I was aware he wasn't the earl Bey was talking about. He was probably the Earl's political advisory.

'How audacious to sit on the Earl's sit.' I thought.

"Woman, His excellency is asking you!" one knight snarled at me while I observed that old man in front of me.