My rules are simple

"My goodness, wife! Did you plan to kill him by angering him to death?" 

Jaime was already standing up while looking down at us. Sam and I should take this seriously, but honestly, this felt more like a chore now. I would just end him and get over it. 

I gazed up at Jaime, only to realize that several knights already surrounded me. Two knights had already hooked their arms around mine and my feet already left the floor.

"Wait!" I exclaimed but didn't struggle because Jaime spoke once again.

"Seize those intruders as well. The Roux family had offended the head of House Malum and tried to abduct the Earl of Minowa."

Just as he dropped his accusations, all the knights on standby took a step forward. I winced and looked back at Sam. To my disappointment, Sam raised both his hands just like his son and Ramin.


"Please don't hurt us." Sam pleaded calmly while casting those knights a helpless look. "My son is still young."