Arouse your appetite?

The lips that were dominating mine gradually parted away. Sam rested his forehead against mine while I opened my eyes weakly, inhaling each other's hot breaths. The corner of our lips curled up as we chuckled.

Sam cupped my cheeks while I held the back of his hand, pressing my cheek against his palm. He looked at me without blinking, as if he was afraid that I'd be gone once he did.

"I missed you," I said and subtly smiled. "We should fix our sleeping schedule so we sleep at the same time."

I tried humoring him, but he just smiled weakly. Since he liked to stare, I let him for as long as I could. The plethora of questions could wait. Unlike the eight months that I had waited for him back then, five years was way too long. I couldn't imagine how Sam managed.

I had missed a lot. And when I said a lot, it was a hell of a lot. 

"Say it again," Sam uttered, making my brows raise. "Can you speak more?"