How he became emperor X

Meanwhile, inside the third prince's chambers, stood Beatrice from the end of the bed, Heliot on the side, Samael on the other end, across from Heliot with Rufus. On the bed lay Lilou with her hands on her stomach and her eyes closed, sleeping peacefully.

The atmosphere inside wasn't any less suffocating than outside, as none of them talked. Beatrice pursed her lips, darting her eyes from Heliot to Samael, who was staring down at his wife.

Samael reached for Lilou's hand and squeezed it lightly. "I will wait for you." 

Silence once again dawned in the room after his remarks. They wanted to respect Samael's time before forcing Lilou into a slumber. 

When Samael took a deep breath and withdrew his hand away from her, he looked up at Heliot. He nodded, signaling for him to start.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Heliot inquired as his brows rose.

"That is an idiotic question, Prince."