[Bonus chapter] Time to sleep

Law's interruption was proof that Sam and I wouldn't be that free in sharing passionate time together at any time. So, after fixing myself, Law and Adam intruded into my room, and we headed to the dining hall.

Our first dinner together as a family was peaceful and warm. The young Earl's addition to the table only gave more joy and was even more memorable. 

After dinner, Sam and I, as good parents, spent more time with the children. We read them stories until they fell asleep. 

"They are so cute and so innocent," I muttered while fixing the quilt to cover Law's shoulder. Looking at him brought a subtle smile to my face. Who wouldn't? My son was so smart and so sweet. It's only been a day since we met, but I already love him more than my own life. 

It was strange, but that was what I felt. I knew I would go above and beyond for this child.
