[Bonus chapter] spit it out***


"Then, I'll happily oblige."

I licked the tip of Sam's erection while staring at him. He had his teeth clenched, sucking air through it while stroking my hair. Seeing his expression, my tongue licked its head in a circular motion. This broke his gritted teeth as his jaw fell down.

"Lilou," he moaned, brushing my hair back with trembling hands. "I want... yo --"

Sam couldn't finish his sentence as I suddenly opened my mouth and shoved it in. I felt his thigh flexed again, caressing it to soothe it. I heard him moan once again when I started sucking him, moving upward and downward slowly. His hand rested on the back of my head, guiding or wanting to stop me; he was unsure himself.

I glanced up and noticed his eyes glinting. His chest moved in and out heavily, panting for air. I loved how his face was painted red with his brows creasing.