You are my son, after all.

Meanwhile, Samael knocked on the door, which was Adam's room. Although Adam used to sleep in Law's room, Samael had prepared a separate room for him, so he didn't feel he was squatting on the estate. 

"Adam, I'm coming in," he announced before pushing the door open. His face instantly distorted as soon as his eyes landed on Fabian. The latter raised his gaze at the door and stood straight after placing the tea on the small table.

"Fabian, please tell me you haven't imparted your wisdom to Adam."

Fabian smiled and explained. "My master, I am simply serving the Earl some snacks to make himself feel better."

"Is that so?" Samael narrowed his eyes suspiciously. It didn't seem Fabian was lying. Well, not that Fabian was the type to lie. He might leave out some details, but Fabian rarely lied. Or rather, Samael couldn't remember any time that Fabian lied.