
"Oh, my goodness..."

A sharp exhale escaped my mouth, seeing that those two were treating the driveway as a racetrack. With their speed, it wouldn't be surprising if their steed crash on us. 

"Fabian, what are the odds that they won't hurt any of us?" I inquired while staring at the galloping horses. 

"They had full control of their steed, Madam." I glanced at Fabian while he cast me a reassuring smile. I glanced back at the maids and butlers, noticing the slight panic in their eyes. When I checked Law, he didn't have a change of expression as he kept his eyes ahead.

"Please step aside to safety just in case," I ordered so the servants wouldn't be so scared.

"How about you, madam? How can we evacuate to safety when Madam is here to welcome the guest?" A middle-aged butler that would be in charge of the manor whenever Fabian was away, voiced out.