[Bonus chapter]Stop giving me mix signals

"Oh? Did I mention something that I shouldn't? I guess you are also swimming in this sea of fools as well, huh?"

Silvia was clearly not pleased with Yul's remarks. The side of her lips stretch into a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Not good, I thought, but I kept silent and sipped tea. Silvia and Rufus and their complicated relationship also intrigued me.

"Is this how you repay me for giving you wonderful advice, Your Grace?" her brow quirked, tilting her head a little to the side. 

"My lady, I didn't mean to offend you. I am simply concerned if the reason you refused all marriage proposals is because of your... hang-ups."

"You seemed quite interested in other people's hang-ups, Your Grace." Silvia chuckled, sending a chill down my spine. But her aura didn't faze him.

"Well, to be truthfully honest, I am waiting for a certain person's marriage proposal. I'm certain that if he sends me one, I will accept it in a heartbeat."