[Bonus chapter]Thank you for the pain

  "You and I are not those people anymore, my lady. You are not the curious and mischievous princess, and I am not that foolish and greedy young knight anymore."

"Do you still hate me, Ru?" Her eyes softened with bitterness, raising the question she could never ask before. Even Silvia was surprised that she could talk to him like this while staring straight into his eyes and without losing her mind. 

"After everything I did in the past... do you still hate me?"

Rufus shook his head lightly. "I never hated you, my lady."

"Tss. You don't have to lie."

"I'm not lying, my lady." His eyes glinted as his expression grew solemn. "The person I hated is myself. I couldn't protect my people from you, and I couldn't protect you from doing that to them. You will not sully your hands if I was stronger back then. That's why I never truly hated you."