Love Guru

After putting Law to sleep, I prepared myself to sleep. I thought Sam would stay with his brothers, but he returned to our chambers earlier than expected. 

"You're early, love," I pointed out, watching him drag his feet towards our bed. I rolled to my side as he snuck inside the quilt and laid beside me. 

"I'd rather spend more time with you than them," he murmured, moving closer to me as he embraced my waist. "This is better."

A subtle smile appeared on my lips, sniffing his argent hair that had a smell of subtle floral scent. "You're such a baby."

"I know, wife. But please, don't tell anyone." I chuckled at his response. Sam gazed up and smiled, moving up until we're at eye level. 

"My love," he whispered as he leaned his face forward, but I stopped him by putting my finger in front of his lips. An instant frown replaced his smug grin. I knew what he wanted to do, as we never had a break every night.