[Bonus chapter]I do not mind being greedy

Our mini tea party continued until it was time for them to go. I sent them off with Fabian. But before Lady Hazel enter her carriage, she faced me.

"Today's tea party is informative. I didn't regret coming in here." I smiled at her modesty. "Madam Roux, my father's banquet will be held in two weeks. I hope you can also attend."

"That will be my honor, my lady."

She smiled, pleased while nodding. "Then I will send you an official invitation. I am looking forward to your reply."

"Yes, my lady." 

We exchanged smiled before she hitched inside the carriage. I stood there for a while before turning around to face Fabian.

"Fabi, where is my son?" I asked, missing Law after a day of not being with him. 

"He is with Glory in the training grounds." 

"Oh? Until now?" my brow arched as I started walking inside, heading to the training grounds at the back part of the mansion.